Heading 1

Heading 2

Heading 3

Heading 4

Paragraph 1

Paragraph 2

Paragraph 3


For staff photos, I added the bottom/title section by editing the photo in Canva.

For regular images, under ‘Design’, choose ‘Fill’ and use a Corner
Radius of 15.

Sermon Archive

Above is an example of a page hero with a blurred background. The image was edited on Canva, intensity of blur is 35%. If you want to make a new page and use this template, you can find it in the “Saved” section when adding a new section.

Our Beliefs

Above is an example of a page hero with a darkened background. The image overlay is added in the “Edit Section”area. It is at an opacity of 65%. To change the colour, edit the color theme. If the photo is full color, you can edit the photo to be grayscale but turning the saturation to 0. You can do this in the edit photo section in Squarespace. If you want to make a new page and use this template, you can find it in the “Saved” section when adding a new section.