The Return of the King
Sermon by Moses Lee on November 17, 2024 as part of the Mark: The King & The Cross series. Scripture reading is from Mark 13:24-37 (ESV). Themes include end times, promise and comfort.
Please note: there were some issues with Pastor Moses’ mic at the beginning of this sermon, specifically between 1:48 and 7:00. The rest of the video has clear audio. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. Here is a transcript of the beginning of the sermon.
A man named Harold Camping gained notoriety in the 90s and early 2000s when he began to make a series of predictions about the return of Jesus. His first prediction was that Jesus would return on Sep 6, 1994. When Jesus rudely failed to appear that day, he tried again, and again, and again. His last prediction was that Jesus would come back on Oct 21, 2011.
Now this normally wouldn’t be a big deal, but Camping was a radio broadcaster with a wide audience. Through large-scale publicity campaigns, Camping gained a global following and millions of dollars in donations. After his failed prophecies, Camping and his radio station were widely mocked and suffered significant losses. To his credit, Camping later repented and vowed not to make any more predictions.
But then there are others who have gone in a completely different direction by totally spiritualizing the return of Jesus. They say that Jesus will not return in bodily form, but only that His Spirit will slowly but surely change human life and institutions.
Today’s passage—together with the rest of the scriptures—makes it clear that neither of these approaches is healthy and has biblical support. So, what is a healthy attitude about the second coming of Jesus? What does Jesus Himself want us to know about his second coming? In today’s passage, we learn Three Things Jesus Wants Us to Know About His Second Coming
1. Preview: Christ is coming! (24-27)
2. Promise: He guarantees it (28-31)
3. Prescription: Stay awake! (32-37)
1. Preview: Christ is coming! (24-27)
a. WHEN?
a. When will Christ return?
b. V.24: “In those days, after that tribulation.” What tribulation?
c. We heard a description of the time of tribulation last week (13:1-23)
a. False Christs and false prophets (6, 21-22)
b. Wars & rumors of wars (7)
c. Earthquakes and famines (8)
d. Increased persecution (9-13)
e. The destruction of Jerusalem & desecration of temple (14-19)
d. But, Jesus says, all this suffering is not the end; it is not the final story. He is coming back to set everything right.
b. WHAT?
a. What will happen when he returns?
b. Jesus says, after this time of tribulation, the sun and moon will be darkened, the stars will fall from heaven; and the powers in the heavens will be shaken (24-25).
c. These signs are direct references to Isaiah 13 and 34:
d. Isa 13:10
For the stars of the heavens and their constellations
will not give their light;
the sun will be dark at its rising,
and the moon will not shed its light.
e. Isa 34:4
All the host of heaven shall rot away,
and the skies roll up like a scroll.
All their host shall fall,
as leaves fall from the vine,
like leaves falling from the fig tree.
f. Both passages speak of the Day of the Lord. It is the day of vengeance when God will finally judge the nations for their evils and injustices.
g. But why these strange, ominous signs?