Will you come alongside our Maskwacis brothers and sisters in Christ to bring gospel reconciliation between their neighbours and others, between their people and the Lord Jesus Christ?
The Cross-Cultural Missions Team is excited to announce that we’re partnering with Bert and Carol Gibson this summer to send a team to help run a Vacation Bible School at the Maskwacis Reserve just south of Edmonton.
First Nations people are the fastest growing ethnic group in Canada but are also among the most traumatized by broken treaties, broken trust, and broken families. There’s a great need for reconciliation between the Maskwacis bands and other ethnic groups outside the reserve. As Bert and Carol have noted to us, the gospel work of rebuilding trust begins and ends with relationships flowing out of the love of Christ we experience.
Please pray into what the Lord is calling you to do with this opportunity.
The Maskwacis VBS trip will happen from Saturday, July 8 to Saturday, July 15. The cost is $425 plus airfare and getting to and from the airports. Trip application form can be found below. Without more volunteers, it is unlikely the Gibsons will be able to run the VBS. Therefore, the deadline to apply has been extended to 11:59 PM on Wednesday, May 31st. If you have questions, please email or talk with Randy!
The Cross-Cultural Missions Team is committed to help with raising funds. Please consider coming to the Jesus Revolution Film Showing, in support of the New City Maskwacis Team, on May 27, 2023. More information can be found here. Please stay tuned for other initiatives as well!