This past week, the Stoney Creek Intermission Group had an exciting meeting. Moses and I charted the way forward for the group. For many in our group, the question of the hour has been whether to join or not to join New City Church’s upcoming daughter plant in Stoney Creek. What are some good (and bad) reasons for joining a church plant, you ask? As a group, we walked through an article I wrote to try to answer this question (linked here).

Please pray for those in our group who are considering whether God is calling them to join this church plant. While this won’t be an easy decision for those who are current members of New City Church (about half of our group), we know that the Lord will give joy, confidence, and comfort for those members who discern that God is calling them to be part of this mission church. This is a very exciting time for Mission to Stoney Creek.

We also shared the potential timeline for the launch of public services. Lord willing, depending on numbers, New City’s Session intends on asking our presbytery that Mission to Stoney Creek become a mission church (i.e. an official church plant). Over the summer, in addition to gatherings for prayer and outreach opportunities, we would begin preparations for the launch of public worship services in the fall.

Finally, pray for our group as we embark on various outreach opportunities during the month of March. As many of you know, on March 3, we are hosting a talk on the topic of mental health titled “Walking Wounded,” addressing it from a holistic Christian perspective, while speaking of the ultimate hope we have in the gospel of Christ. Over the following 3 weeks (March 10, 17, and 24), we will host an introduction to Jesus course called “Hope Explored.” We hope that some of those who attend the outreach event will join, and that many of those we personally invite decide to join us for this course.

These are exciting and faith-stretching times as we join Jesus on the mission to which he’s sending us. Pray for each member of our group as we host and serve our friends and neighbours over a number of weeks, putting into practice the good things we have learned over the past few months, not least through the preaching of the Word, Gospel in Life, and our seminar on evangelism. “Unless the LORD builds the house, those who build it labor in vain.” May the Lord’s kingdom come and his will be done in Stoney Creek. Join us then as we pray, trust, and wait upon the Lord to establish the work of our hands!


Mission to Stoney Creek UpDate - April Newsletter
