Ephesians 4:16
From Christ, the whole body, joined and held together by every supporting ligament, grows and builds itself up in love, as each part does its work.

I turned 47 yesterday.

People say that age is just a number.

But this number feels excessive. A bit like a practical joke, if you ask me.

The truth is that I have rarely thought much about my body. Given the natural restraints of my mortal form, which includes the charming endowment of two feet that eerily resemble bear paws, I will never dunk a basketball, run a five-minute mile, throw a 90-miles-per-hour fastball, or be mistaken for Michael Phelps in the swimming pool. Yet, despite my athletic limitations, God has nonetheless blessed me with excellent health.

But my body, which has served me so well for 47 years, is starting to feel the mileage.

And lest I fall prey to any delusions of youth, the Lord has blessed me with a family doctor who has recently taken to beginning every other sentence with the words, “You know, a man your age …,” which usually means more bloodwork, another ultrasound, a change in my diet, etc.

The human body is a wondrous thing. Sadly, it has required a certain ripening on my part to better appreciate its intricacies and vulnerabilities.

The human body is the Apostle Paul’s favorite metaphor for the church. That is because no other imagery is more effective at helping us imagine our dependence on Christ and our interdependence on one another in the church. To put it simply, no other metaphor is better at showing how much we need each other.

And we grasp this intuitively. Even if we have never taken a class in human biology, we all instinctively understand that the health and development of a human body depends on the various parts working together in perfect harmony. What happens when one or more parts cease to function well or in disharmony with the rest of the body? Normal growth is hindered. Health is compromised. The doctor calls for more testing, and sometimes drastic medical interventions.

In the same way, if members of Christ’s church are not each doing their part in service of Christ and his church, the growth and health of the church gets compromised. Just like the human body, most local churches are rarely ever firing on all cylinders. No expression of the church is perfectly healthy; every congregation walks with a limp, however slight or pronounced.

Nevertheless, when members of Christ’s church gladly embrace their roles, when they diligently exercise their gifts in service of the church, when they submit to one another out of reverence for Christ (Eph 5:21), and when they humbly value the needs of others before their own (Phil 2:3-4), something amazing happens. Not only does the church grow healthier and more effective in its service, people also begin to grasp the doctrine of grace more deeply. This happens when people hear the gospel preached week after week, and see the gospel being applied and explained through mutual service, both in the church and in the wider community.

True gospel cultures and movements require not just the preaching of the gospel of grace, but the practical exercise of the gospel of grace through acts of service. This is the vital spiritual dynamic that fuels the Body of Christ to “build itself up in love, as each part does its work” (Eph 4:16). This also means that everyone has a role to play in the building up of the church.

Friends, do you want to see a powerful movement of the gospel in your church? If so, have you committed yourself to a ministry of service in your church? Isn’t it exciting to know that God has gifted you, called you, and given you a vital role in the building up of His Kingdom on earth?

Here at New City, we have many opportunities for you to exercise your gifts in the service of Christ and his church. This includes the discipleship of children through the ministry of New City Kids, the welcoming of newcomers and building up of community through the Connections ministry, the honoring of God through prayer, music, arts, and the sacraments through the Worship and the Arts ministry, the facilitation of worship and the proclamation of the gospel through technology (New City Tech), the care of the needy through the New City Resource Bank, among other opportunities to serve.

Click HERE to see a fuller list of serving opportunities and submit the form to take the next step in serving.

The Body of Christ is a beautiful, wondrous gift of God, a miracle of His grace on earth. Friends, don’t miss the opportunity to be part of its growth and mission!


