Hamilton Challenge is an opportunity to grow in joining the cross-cultural mission of God by learning and going, in the context of a missional community of fellow participants. New City has agreed to be one of the partner churches. This year it is happening May 15th to 19th at West Highland Baptist Church.

To give you more of a taste of what Hamilton Challenge is about, we interviewed former participant and New City attendee, Catherine McGeorge about her experience.

Hamilton Challenge Group

1. What inspired you to participate in Hamilton Challenge in the past?

I have enjoyed learning about other religions and have had global missions on my heart for a long time. Hamilton Challenge was originally a way to test out some of those feelings about global missions, but in a local context. I also wanted to continue to develop my knowledge of world religions and practice sharing the gospel with others.

2. Is there a story or a highlight that you’d like to share?

I have a few things that stood out to me like street evangelism, knocking on doors, checking out TELL (“Teaching English Language Learners – a former ministry of New City”) and visiting other places of worship. The thing that stands out to me most was when Andy Clutton took my group to the house of a Syrian refugee family. I was so astounded by their deep generosity and hospitality (it was unfortunate that I had eaten supper prior to my visit because there was so much food and drink to consume!). They were a blessing to my soul more than I was to them! Seeing people that had lost everything bless me so abundantly in hospitality was a huge challenge to me. We can take minimal things and serve or even serve at a high cost to ourselves. I think that this is not comfortable or expected in western culture. If nonbelievers can do this, how much more should we be doing this as believers?

3. What was your biggest challenge? Why?

The element that was my biggest challenge was getting over my own comfort. Knocking on doors and talking to people about Jesus in the street is not comfortable. I’m not sure these are the most effective ways to evangelize, but I do believe God uses them to reach people that need Him and to develop us in spiritual growth and dependence on Him. Additionally, participating in unfamiliar ministries, spending time with strangers, and visiting other places of worship is uncomfortable. But we need to put ourselves in these positions and acclimate ourselves to these feelings of discomfort. Sharing the gospel is not always comfortable. When we do so, we are challenging people on their worldviews and revealing the realities of sin.

4. In what ways have you seen God use your Hamilton Challenge experience to equip you in your everyday life?

Like conferences and retreats, I definitely felt the impact more intensely immediately following Hamilton Challenge. But I believe that there were lasting effects that are still beneficial to me today. When I intentionally reflect on the impact of Hamilton Challenge, I think that I have grown in awareness of the need for Jesus in the city. We do not have to leave Hamilton to reach the nations! I was also given training in evangelism and opportunities to practice evangelizing which has helped me structure conversations and prayer with unbelievers more effectively. Additionally, I was exposed to a wide range of ministries within the city of Hamilton doing wonderful work for the Kingdom of God. I believe that the Lord still uses these experiences in my life, even if they are not as overt almost a decade after participating in Hamilton Challenge.

Overall, I believe that Hamilton Challenge is a worthwhile event to participate in because it provides opportunities for learning and spiritual growth, challenges our understanding of the local need for Jesus, and deepens our understanding of those that are lost and desperately need the gospel.

Please prayerfully consider joining Hamilton Challenge this year! You can find registration details HERE. If the cost is a serious barrier, please reach out to Hobbe Smit via to see what can be done to help.


